
 for this week reading task was about scholarly journal article. i didnt know what its about until watching the video. its not like a novel you need to have a topic statement or research question ready. You to read the abstract its a summary that help people to decide if its relevant or not. you don't really need to read all the page just let the eye fly over the sentences so you can get key ideas later. i think this will help me during the semester with the tips that i gathered. and it will make  researching and reference must easy during this yr. 2. 


  1. hey victory whats up man i like the links you added in here i think the advice you gave was great like ive been finding it so hard to read loads of huge articles because i just lose focus after seeing loads of text, i think i just need to learn how to skim read and take what is most useful. Keep up the good work man best of luck.


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