
from this week game making its getting better at least I have the ball moving and I finally have an object made to block the goal but for some reason the object wont moving left and right with the coding that I gave it. and the ball doesn't go straight like the way I want it to. the ball just fly's up then goes straight down true the ground in the game. I hope to find a way why the whole thing is not working for me during the next lab class. i spent so much time in unity so i could make this game move like the way that i want but no progress yet now i just need the object to move them ill be on my way and there a few error keep showing up .

the object that i made to block the goals

This is the ball moving but not the way i would like it too.

the object in the goal



  1. Congratulations on reaching the Alpha stage of your game Victory! Your game is looking deadly, I love the football aspect to it, reminds me of watching Match of the Day back when I was a kid Sorry to hear about your coding issues. Coding is easily the hardest part of making a video game so my heart goes out to you, best of luck to you getting your ball moving straight the way you want it to and not just straight up and down. A handy work around I sometimes find is that the errors at the bottom of the screen tend to let you know where in your code things may have gone wrong so my best suggestion is to scour your code and maybe check a few YouTube tutorials as they can be really helpful. I can't wait to give your game a go as it looks really cool, best of luck again!

  2. Hey Victory , your game is looking really good so far . Whenever i had problems with my game i just googled it and i would find the solution after a while, usually on unity forums and sites like that. Its annoying when the little things are not working but im sure you will figure it out . I like the idea your going for , it defiantly has potential of being a very good game if you can get ir right. Anyway i hope you figure it all our and i am looking forward to seeing your final game soon.

  3. Heya Victory, fair play to ye for the work so far in your game. When you try search for solutions for things that ain't working in your game can get so frustrating. I have spent a few hours myself searching for tutorials and met many dead ends, but don't worry there is something out there that will help you! Goodluck and I hope you find what you need to! Loving the overall idea for your game and I am looking for to seeing your progress next week :).

  4. what up victory your game is looking really good and well done on actually making your game work the way you want it to work unlike me i am still struglling so bad with trying to get my own game to work the way i want it work besides that i feel like i will get to this point but yours is really looking great well done

  5. Hi Victory, It is brilliant that you have your game working and improving, you should give me some tips because I am currently in the shoes you were in. Your game looks absolutely amazing. You have your objects set which is a good thing. I would recommend looking at similar tutorials to getting similar code, but you are on the right track and even without the tutorials it looks phenomenal. So I have complete faith you will do brilliantly.


  6. Hi Victory the game looks really good that it's working and am looking forward to seeing the finished game. I also struggled with the player controller and wouldn't move the way I wanted it to move either but I eventually got it sorted too. I like your overall idea and has really come along from your first project post and you can see the improvements each week to your week.

  7. Hi , Victory , it is great to see your game working and i know it is not easy at all , i had to redo my code several times and it is always the case when you might make the smallest mistake and everything collapse , it is annoying , if something like this happens to you i would just recommend to leave it for a while and come back to coding a bit later, well at least it works for me, I always do better when rested, so wish you good luck on finishing your game


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