Week 9 Reading and Writing

 from looking back at all the reading that I did from all the past weeks I learned so much and gain more knowledge about gaming, create a game, and time management skill, mind growth and so much more. when I'm playing or watching video game ill be using all the tips that I learned from the past week from this semester. ill tell you the once that I really enjoy the most is mind growth that about carol Dweck she talk about giving 10 years kids who are coping with challenge and difficulties. she called it the power of yet. most of the studied fail the test because they didn't student. she asked what they would do the next time. they all say they will cheat or even look at the person next to them that got a worse grade then them. that reading made so much sense in my eye because that would be the method that I got when I was a little kid in school. My next one that I love to read was about game element that really gave me the heads up for making a game like you need to create a game with a plan and you have to impress the player to love playing the game. The aim of making this game you need to have a goal, conflict , decision making and uncertain outcome. and there are question that must be answer in a game.

Also i learned from game designed its needs a beginning and a end of the story. you need to make sure its a game that just not for one individual person. its has to be a game for lots of player that can join. if your making the game it must have at least four properties ,so sure it has a storyline that make sense and the there should be a prize for the winner that complete the game in the end. that was so interesting to know about in that week of reading. I think i would rather have video instead of reading because it was so long to read during half way on the reading week. Plus it was time consuming for me I'm a slow reader and i cant see the word half the time that why i loved watching the video in most of the reading and it show different example for the gaming part/designing systems. This module has been stressful for me as long as i can get this game working ill be so happy. but so far I'm keeping on time with the blogging and getting things done with baby steps. and I think unity is just the problem that i keep having that will finish me during theses blogging weeks.



  1. it is really good knowing someone else's point of view with a similar situation you are going through and the work that you are doing i really enjoyed this post because it is also a similar mindset that i am with trying to get things done for this module and going forward i hope there many things that you hoped to work with you goes very well


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