Unity Tutorial 07

This week unity 4 was so hard like nothing seem to be working for me. i keep get my script messed up with the coding .its just giving me errors when trying to play the game. The player doesn't move or rotate in the direction any more for some reason I'm still trying to get the camera facing the same way. but i learned new thing in this unity like taking some different texture and applying it onto the ball so it can look cool on the eye by dragging and dropping it into the player. Empty game object was fun to used because it control how different thing moved around the unity. And in the player controller scripts i used a reference for the focal point so it could make the movement shape in the game. At the end of the day i had to go asked my peers for help again and They said it's probably just unity acting up on my laptop. Because i spent a good 1hr looking the cap and spelling and i'm seeing not wrong. I just hope the next unity is less stressful and less time consuming. I need to know more about making a game for this semester its starting to get to me now. 

from my laptop working on unity
