Unity Tutorial 06

 For this week unity its was a lot hard and the time spent was too much for me. but at least i try to get in done. i learned so much in this unity like in the particle systems i played around with some of the numbers so i could give some effect in the game also made the child object to a player in the game so they can be attached to the player. it was the code that really mess me up because i was adding variable like the audio clip and audio source its seem to not be work for me when i press play. i had to keep on reset my unity until it work out. i had a bit more fun playing with the play and sound effect in this lesson it really made this feel like a proper game. I think i need something like this when i'm making my own game later on and i hope it will not take so long like this lesson. i can't wait unto the next unity when i have to rotate around with different focal point in the game because that what troubling me theses day i don't know how to still work the main cam well  . 

logo of unity




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