Growth Mindset week2


This is my first time learning about Growth mindset from reading about carol Dweck she talk about giving 10 years kids who are coping with challenge and difficulties. she called it the power of yet. most of the studied fail the test because they didn't student. she asked what they would do the next time. they all say they will cheat or even look at the person next to them that got a worse grade then them. so they would feel much better. Its kind of funny because I would have done that when I was a kid years ago. 

This show yous that everyone is different and should always praise them by doing there best. I love how she made a maths game for student that got few answer right as a reward for there use of effect, strategy, and progress. The game makes you more better and its stress free, I rather get praise when I try my best even though its wrong its will give me more confidence on get it right the next time.  

At the end of this year I hope growth mindset will help me during college works and set me to the right path by pushing me out of my Comfort zone and get more smarter.

Growth Mindset    week2


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